Emily Luce

C.R.A.F.T. is established

C>R>A>F>T garden 2020

We formed the Centre for Retrofitting and Failure Techniques (C.R.A.F.T.) to invite conversations we thought people should be having more often. [ Centre ] To be a lightning rod and reference point in arts-based practice and research. To form, then document, current experimental practices.   for   [ Retrofitting ] To activate the possibility of redoing,…

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Exploring Process Workshop

In October, I got to go to Maine College of Art as a visiting artist. It was the perfect time to be there, gorgeous fall days, all that school activity swirling about. I gave a public presentation on the Cardiff/Miller House and had a workshop about design process with the graphic design students. It was…

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The Object is the Event

During the residency in Arnhem, we wanted to take advantage of the ceramics and wood werkplaats, and to respond to students and the school with a new Search & Research. We built a wood-fired oven in a shopping cart, and held an event with the department and our friends in which we made pizzas in…

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In Residence at Arnhem

In Autumn of 2017, Emily was the Designer in Residence in the Department of Product Design at ArtEZ University of the Arts in the Netherlands. Rod joined her in early October.

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Frite Haus

Frite Haus (2017) First of Emily’s designed and printed tent series, sewn in four panels based on the frite cone (food ephemera,) 3-colour serigraph on ultralight ripstop, folds to 8 x 8″ square inspired by frog origami. Printed at ArtEZ Arnhem silk screen shop and sewn in Department of Product Design residency.

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The Year of Weird

After everyone went home from WILD_ _NESS/WEIRD_NESS, Rod and I spent a good amount of time discussing how we might encapsulate the exploration of wildness, wilderness, and weirdness that happened at the Inquiry, in a serious work of our collaboration. The concluding project: dedicate ourselves to witnessing and noticing the weird for one year. This…

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Search & Research, a Record of Our Practice(s)

This website represents work over the last three years; walks in the woods, enough sleep, countless conversations. Between its lines, there is a complete overhaul in how we think about how food is grown and how it is distributed. It is informed by one week in 2014 when we took on Truth and Reconciliation wholeheartedly,…

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This past August DesignInquiry traveled to Bamfield, BC to study the topic WILD _ _ NESS / WEIRD _ NESS. Amidst discussions of climate change, the anthropocene, queering of spaces, and questioning what is a wild space, the outcome of this Inquiry for Rod and I is a commitment to notice and appreciate wildness, wilderness,…

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Productive Counter-Production

Some thoughts on DesignInquiry’s Productive Counter-Production residency on Vinalhaven, Maine. Productive Counter-Production, an idea put forth by Gabrielle Esperdy, and fostered by Gail Swanlund after Gabrielle gave a memorable lecture on the subject at CalArts, arrived in my life when the idea of productive counter-production struck as more about doing something different than doing something other than what…

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