C.R.A.F.T. is established

C>R>A>F>T garden 2020

We formed the Centre for Retrofitting and Failure Techniques (C.R.A.F.T.) to invite conversations we thought people should be having more often.

[ Centre ] To be a lightning rod and reference point in arts-based practice and research. To form, then document, current experimental practices.
[ Retrofitting ] To activate the possibility of redoing, reworking, revisiting concepts and materials as a methodology for testing, building, making, and sustaining communities, practice and work.
[ Failure ] To approach risk with awareness, but without fearing unexpected results. To use openness, observation, and adaptation as a productive trajectory and test space into an unknown future.
[ Techniques ] To refine and integrate the practice of arts-based research, making and execution. To explore the [re]distribution of wealth through making-based practice. To be self-sustaining in this work. 
Artists will lead the way.