Cardiff/Miller House

Exploring Process Workshop

In October, I got to go to Maine College of Art as a visiting artist. It was the perfect time to be there, gorgeous fall days, all that school activity swirling about. I gave a public presentation on the Cardiff/Miller House and had a workshop about design process with the graphic design students. It was…

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Portland, You’re the Best

I’m in Maine, tucked in to Margo and Charles‘ nook (more on that later,) getting ready a workshop about moving beyond the design process, and then, a tiny house lecture on Tuesday. Poster by Beth Taylor. Super excited.  

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The Cardiff/Miller House in Lethbridge

The Cardiff/Miller House is an 8 x 16 replica of an infamous art house in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada owned by artists Janet Cardiff and George Bures-Miller. Over the years, countless artists and people who are part of the art world have lived there, made their work, and been a part of the community. The tiny…

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Mobile Homes

Last week, the Alberta Biennial ended and the Cardiff/Miller House came down from its perch on the roof of the Art Gallery of Alberta. Aided by the most reliable truck we have yet to drive in our lives, generously provided by D-Lease & Rental, we packed up, craned over, and towed the house back for…

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Edmonton via Truck

D Lease & Rental of Lethbridge, a subsidiary of Davis Auto Group, generously provided us with a 3/4 ton truck for work moving the Cardiff/Miller House from the roof of the AGA to its next stop at the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery. This truck, honestly, has been such a game-changer with our configuration. This…

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Early Influences : The Florence Griswold Museum

When I first graduated from Connecticut College, I was a curatorial intern at the Florence Griswold Museum in Old Lyme. What started as the Griswold family home, built in 1817 and purchased by Captain Robert Griswold in 1841, evolved into a boarding house for artists, known as the Lyme Art Colony around the turn of…

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Here We Go

On January 18th, years of work and a few big decisions lifted off in front of our eyes. This is our project, The Cardiff/Miller House being installed on the Art Gallery of Alberta’s 3rd story terrace for the Alberta Biennial. The crane day marked a turning point. From here we will document what happens next…

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