Ghost Drawings

Back from an inspiring week on Vinalhaven for DesignInquiry: STATION. In preparation for our fall Poor Farm Inquiry, we had lunch and a design/improv (dis)placement project led by Liz Craig over at the Poor Farm, plus I led a discussion about place/no-place.

Poor Farm

The Poor Farm on Vinalhaven is legendarily haunted, so naturally the typography of the ouija board + potential of collaborating with some of the invisible inhabitants was attractive to a few of us.

ouija test

Later, with all of these haunty/objectey thoughts swirling around, Gail and I decided to see if the ghosts might like to draw.

We set up a drawing apparatus in one of the bedrooms in the oldest part of the house, the site of an infamous DesignInquiry ghost story.


That’s not Gail.

We set up the tool (a string tied to a lightswitch on one end and a pen just skimming the floorboards on the other), put some paper down, made an example, and left a tiny glass of whiskey for the ghost.

example drawing

ghost drawing

In the morning we raced into the room to see if anything had happened, and they didn’t even take a single sip.