Drawing the Canada-Wide Science Fair : Glen MacKinnon
Drawing the Canada-Wide Science Fair is a collective of sixteen artists who have come together to interpret and play with the spectacle of a national science fair through visual language. By drawing on-site during the Canada-Wide Science Fair, the artists will create and immediately broadcast drawings of selected projects on display. The idea is to expand the notion of drawing around science themes to include the potentials of visual priority, cross-disciplinary work, collaborative drawing, multi-perspectival drawing, non-precious drawing, interactions with people, live tweeting, 5-second-delay blogging, and other unexpected possibilities. Here’s an introduction to Glen MacKinnon, Canada-Wide Science Fair Artist.
Glen MacKinnon is a sculptor/printmaker whose work has been widely exhibited across Canada since 1980. His most recent work investigates issues of food production, land use, and ranching in southern Alberta. He is a member of Field Notes Collective a group of artists and scientists looking at environmental issues in the area. MacKinnon is also a partner with Denton Fredrickson in Recently Human Engineered (RHE), a corporate venture committed to the production of high quality trapware and office supplies, He lives and works in Lethbridge where he teaches at the University of Lethbridge.